Style of the Quarter – Q4 2015

Smoked Beer SOQ Results
Congrats to our winners – lots of great beers submitted!
  1. Mike Charlton with a Mesquite Smoked Chipotle Porter
  2. Owen and Will Imholte with a Session Scotch Ale
  3. Dan Morgan with a Smoked Apple Ale
Q4 SOQ Contest
We’re switching things up for this quarter’s comp – we’ve got a multi-gold medal winning IPA recipe from our very own Jason Davis that everyone will brew, with the resulting beers to be judged at the BAM Christmas Party in December using a ‘People’s Choice’ format.  A few details:
  • See attached for the recipe that was handed out last night
  • Contestants need to bring at least 1/2 gallon of beer to the xmas party (64oz growler, six-pack, etc.) – we’ll have a process to make it a ‘blind’ tasting
  • We will also plan to have the tap board up for those that can bring a full keg of their beer (perfect if you brew 10g – keep one / bring one!)
1 final note on ingredients for the beer
  • I will be bringing some Drake’s 001 to the November meeting to share – if you’d like some, please bring a clean / sanitized container to the meeting
